
Hotel Abbaye d'Annecy le Vieux

Haute-Savoie,  France

Phone: +(33) 0450236108

Price: 70 - 240 € (Average)

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The hotel is an old Savoyard house dating back to the 16th century set between the Lake Annecy and mountains. It benefits from a privileged location right outside Annecy and near the old city district. Abbaye d'Annecy le Vieux offers exceptionally peaceful and quiet accommodation with all modern comforts. There are 17 charming and unique rooms and suites, with original names like Queen, Marquise, Sultane... Some of the rooms are equipped with jacuzzi bath.

  • Rooms:
  • Fax: upon request
Hotel Abbaye d'Annecy le Vieux 15, Chemin de l'Abbaye Haute-Savoie 74940 France