
Hotel Laticastelli

シエナ,  イタリア

電話:: +(39) 0577724419 Fax:: +(39) 0691273048 E-mail::

客室料金: 120 - 140 ユーロ (平均)



ゲストレビュー: 9.9 Based on 全1件

Laticastelli is a resort perched on the top of a Tuscan hill with an impressive view of the surrounding countryside, on the road to a park with cedars and flowers. At the bottom of valley, close to the River Ombrone that limits the property, there is a polo field; farther away olive trees, vineyards and grain fields. The woods with winding paths make it an ideal place to ride, walk or just relax. Originally the building was a 13th century castle part of a medieval village and nowadays it is an exclusive 60 hectare resort. Enjoy the unique combination of an historic location combined with the art, culture and exceptional landscapes of Tuscany.原文は次の言語でご覧頂けます。

  • お部屋:
  • テレビ: 国際放送チャンネル
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • エアコン
  • 金庫
  • アイロン
  • 浴槽またはシャワー
  • 冷蔵庫
  • 台所
Hotel Laticastelli Loc.Laticastelli シエナ 53040 イタリア